Supporting September 25 Global climate strike while in pandemic lockdown

Climate strike protest in Moreland during Pandemic lockdown

How to support the Global climate strike on Friday September 25 here in Moreland?

We are still in stage 4 pandemic lockdown in Melbourne, only able to leave home for 4 valid reasons, including exercise within a 5 kilometre radius of our home.

School Strike 4 Climate highlighted that 600+ Climate events taking place around Australia on September 25 in the biggest-ever national action against gas.

Neighbours United for Climate Action (Facebook) organised a location near Coburg Lake with stuffed animals and signs and urged people on their allowed exercise time to visit the site and take photos and post to social media.

Brunswick MP, Tim Read, organised a zoom meeting with Tim Forcey on The Problem With Gas Series: What Governments Should Be Doing. Tim Forcey is an energy expert with 35 years experience who initiated the My Efficient Electric Home Facebook group with over 20,000 members.


Read an email by John Englart, Convenor of Climate Action Moreland, to Wills MP Peter Khalil on advocating for funding our future not gas.

Here are some images from a visit to the “We are all Stuffed” animals location near Coburg Lake, while on isolation exercise:

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