Climate Emergency candidates for MorelandVotes 2020

Climate Emergency placard

This is a list of candidates who have acknowledged with a photo that we are in a climate Emergency.

Moreland Council formerly acknowledged and declared a climate emergency in September 2018 and since then have been incorporating a climate emergency framework into Council policies.

Candidates may download the Climate Emergency declaration, print it out, sign and take an image to send to us to include on this page. We’ll even accept home drawn signs acknowleding the climate emergency. We really aren’t fussed about the neatness of the sign its the action and commitment that is important.

South Ward

Nahui Jimenez (Victorian Socialists)

Nahui Jimenez (Victorian Socialists)

George Georgiou – (IND)

George Georgiou (independent)

Pauline Galvin (Sue Bolton Community Independents)

Mark Riley (Greens)

Mark Riley (The Greens)

James Conlan (Greens)

James-Conlan-climateemergencyJames Conlan (The Greens)

North East Ward

Dean O’Callaghan

Dean O’Callaghan (Independent)

Sue Bolton

Sue Bolton (Sue Bolton Community Independents)

Adam Pulford (Greens)

Adam Pulford (The Greens)

North West Ward

Angelica Panopoulos (Greens)

Angelica Panopoulos (Greens)

Christopher Miles (Animal Justice Party)

Christopher Miles (Animal Justice Party)

Oscar Yildiz (IND)

Oscar Yildiz (Independent)

Note: signing a document often comes with certain commitments for what you have signed. The declaration signed at the State Election in 2018 by Oscar Ylidiz (as above) clearly stated that “I support a Climate emergency declaration and society-wide mobilisation of resources at sufficient scale and speed to protect all people, species, and eco-systems from climate impacts.”

The IPCC Land and Climate report says major emissions reduction need to be achieved from adopting a primarily plant based diet and that leadership on this is essential. Yes, even at the Local Government level this is important.

The arguments Cr Yildiz put forth in the Council debate in 2019 on catering for Meatless Mondays for Council events strongly appeared at odds to the previous commitment of signing the climate emergency declaration. This debate was only for catering for Council events occuring on one day of the week. A small but symbolically important action.

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