Cities Power Partnership Climate Awards 2020

Climate Awards 2020

No, Moreland Council didn’t win, indeed wasn’t even listed as a finalist, in the Climate Council Cities Power Partnership Climate Awards 2020.

These awards were presented by the ABC Fight for Planet A presenter Craig Reucassel in a webinar on Thursday night, 29 October 2020. They showcased the depth and breadth of Councils across Australia taking climate action in many different ways, through many different projects, even during this time of pandemic. Taking action for the Climate emergency.

“It’s great to see councils continue to lead on climate solutions despite being faced with the immediate challenge of COVID-19, bushfires, floods and extreme heat,” Mr Reucassel said.

“Love the inspiring, community-focused approaches to tackling climate change, delivering major emissions reductions and significant cost savings for local residents and businesses.”

Dr Portia Odell, acting director of the Cities Power Partnership, Australia’s largest local government climate network, said;

“The local climate projects on display at these awards, from innovative renewable energy deals that provide communities with clean, reliable and affordable energy, to supporting communities’ transition to net zero emissions, are tangible proof that Australian communities are leading the way with practical local climate solutions,” she said.

The finalists in the different award categories were:

Renewable Energy Achievement Award

City of Cockburn (WA) – Leading the way in WA
City of Melbourne (VIC) – Melbourne Renewable Energy Project 2
City of Sydney (NSW) – Innovative renewable electricity deal

City Of Cockburn was highly commended, with the largest inventory of #renewable energy systems of any local government in WA.

The City of Melbourne came out on top as the Renewable Energy award winner for the huge emissions reduction impact of its Melbourne Renewable Energy Project 2. The project united a buying group of 7 large energy users from across the city to collectively buy renewable energy. It follows on from the first Melbourne Renewable Energy Project which Moreland Council was a part of.

Innovation Award (regional)

Hepburn Shire (VIC) – Hepburn Z-NET – Community Transition Plan
Parkes Shire (NSW) – Towards a greener future – Parkes Recycled Water Scheme
Sunshine Coast Council (QLD) – Blue Heart Sunshine Coast

Blue Heart Sunshine Coast, a joint conservation project by Sunshine Coast Council, the QLD Government and Unitywater, was named Regional Innovation Project of the Year for its work to protect more than 5,000 ha of former sugarcane agricultural land on a coastal floodplain. This will allow for substantial biodiversity outcomes and blue carbon sequestration opportunity as sea levels rise and reclaim low lying land.

Climate Ambassador Award (elected representative)

Belinda Coates, Deputy Mayor, City of Ballarat (VIC)
Dominic King, Mayor, Bellingen Shire (NSW)
Jerome Laxale, Mayor, City of Ryde (NSW)
Mark Greenhill, Mayor, Blue Mountains City Council (NSW)

Ballarat City Councillor Belinda Coates was highly commended for consistently bringing climate to the top of the agenda and making massive inroads on The City of Ballarat journey to net zero. emissions.

Councillor Mark Greenhill from Blue Mountains City Council won the Climate Ambassador Award, for fierce commitment to driving climate action and keeping climate on the national agenda during last season’s catastrophic bushfires.
“For the sake of both humanity and our natural world, we must all act.”

Energy Efficiency Achievement Award

Brighton Council (TAS) – The Great Southern Lights Project
Penrith City Council (NSW) – Achieving Energy Efficiency through the Sustainability Revolving Fund
Shoalhaven City Council (NSW) – A ray of light still shines bright in the Shoalhaven

Shoalhaven City Council won this award for leading energy efficiency initiatives are playing a big role lowering greenhouse gas emissions & embracing a clean energy future for your community.

Sustainable Transport Achievement Award

The Shire of Esperance (WA) – Trails Master Planning
City of Fremantle (WA) – City of Fremantle Get Going with e-Scooter
Lake Macquarie Council (NSW) – Lake Macquarie EV Charging Strategy 2020-2032

Lake Macquarie City Council won the Sustainable Transport Achievement Award for its Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy, a council-led initiative to see more electric vehicles on the road.
“We are focussed on tackling climate change & continually working towards a more sustainable future.”

Climate Champion Award (council staff)

Georges River Council (NSW) – Team
Waverley Council, Woollahra Municipal Council and Randwick City Council (NSW) – Tri-Council Regional Environment Program Team
City of Yarra (VIC) – Sustainability Team

Yarra Council sustainability team took home the Climate Champion Award that celebrates the work of council staff in driving the city’s climate response.

Community Engagement Achievement Award

Inner West Council (NSW) – Go Solar
City of Onkaparinga (SA) – Energy Support Program
Penrith City Council (NSW) – Sustainable Penrith

Inner West Council in Sydney won the Community Engagement award for Go Solar, a series of council-led community engagement initiatives, and its work increasing solar in the community by 11% in the year from 2018-9 to 2019-20.

Innovation Award (metropolitan)

Brisbane City Council (QLD) – Brisbane Metro Charging Strategy
Ku-ring-gai Council (NSW) – Climate Wise Communities and 3D bushfire simulation
City of Melville (WA) – City of Melville’s Smart Cities – Smart Microgrid Project
Nillumbik Shire (VIC) – Nillumbik Shire: hybrid solar and battery off-grid Community Stadium & Relief Centre

The judges selected two winners for this category.

Brisbane City Council for its Metro Charging Strategy. The strategy will see the city roll out an Australian-first metro service with 60 new electric buses at the forefront of EV technology.

Nillumbik Shire for its world-first Hybrid Solar and Battery Off-Grid Stadium and Relief Centre took home the Metropolitan Innovation Award that celebrates bold, transformative solutions.

The report – Clean jobs for communities: How local governments can create sustainable, strong economies by Cities Power Partnership highlights the breadth of projects being conducted by Municipal and Shire Councils across Auatralia.

Many of these projects are similar to some City of Moreland Programs. It provides an excellent introductory guide for new Moreland Councillors for the next 4 year Council term in what can be accomplished.

The report highlights top opportunities for Councils in providing jobs and climate action in this pandemic time.

  • Drive renewable energy and storage within councils and communities to lower power bills and increase energy independence and resilience.
  • Accelerate, and advocate for, sustainable transport to future proof cities and connect communities and regions.
  • Roll out energy efficiency measures within council and the community to create jobs, reduce energy costs and create more comfortable homes and workplaces.
  • Increase revegetation and urban greening, as well as undertake ecosystem restoration to maintain unique biodiversity, clean air and water and healthy communities.
  • Integrate circular economy principles across council to close the loop on resource use, such as enhancing organic waste collection and processing, to create jobs and cut carbon emissions.
  • Support local businesses to be more sustainable through opportunities like increasing the uptake of renewable energy, aiding energy efficiency upgrades and waste management support.
  • Actively engage communities to provide a clear understanding of the importance and benefits of a sustainable and resilient economic recovery.
  • Prioritise local businesses, skills and suppliers for new or ongoing projects and ensure sustainability is at the core of council purchasing.

The City of Moreland is a member of the Cities Power Partnership.

In the last four years City of Moreland Council has implemented policy and strategies in the following major climate policy areas:

  • Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy adopted
  • Zero Carbon Moreland first 5 year action plan 2020-2025
  • 2040 Zero net Community Emissions target
  • Zero waste to landfill by 2030 target
  • Urban Forest Strategy adopted
  • Moreland Nature Plan
  • Cooling the Upfield Corridor Strategic plan adopted
  • High Speed rail advocacy
  • Opposition to Adani mine, amending sustainability filter for Procurement policy on businesses involved with coal
  • Fast-track Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure as part of Covid19 transport response

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