Melbourne Town Hall Climate Emergency meeting Saturday Sept 9

Climate Emergency (Photo: John Englart)

Melbourne based grassroots climate groups are organising an afternoon climate emergency workshop and meeting in Melbourne Town Hall’s Swanston Room at 1:00 to 4:00pm on Saturday September 9. Registration is essential and a small fee applies. Register at Eventbrite: Stepping Up Together.

This is a meeting for the climate action grassroots with focus on community and grassroots attendance and support. The Teals, the community independents and online initiatives such as Vote Climate One and Vote Earth Now – as well as the independent community media – are all a very important part of this mix. 

Meeting agenda:

Part 1: Vision | The why
Gathering the pieces in a chaotic time
Change to come from the bottom up

Part 2: Strategy | The how
How we end state capture
How we change the system
Mobilisation ideas and visions on the political stage

Part 3: Tools | The who, where and when
Connecting our mechanisms
Existing campaigns, new ideas, calls to action

Speakers include:

Gilbert Rochecouste: The new story that will nourish life
Gilbert is founder of Village Well

Liz Boulton: Building a new movement
Liz is author of Plan E, where “E” stands for Earth, Emergency, Everyone, Everywhere

Mark Diesendorf: The Sustainable Civilisation (Presented via video)
Mark is co-author of the new book ‘The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation’.

Robert Hinkley: The Code for Corporate Citizenship (Presented via video)
Robert Hinkley is a retired corporate lawyer

Dr Louise Woodward, paediatrician, Darwin, Northern Territory (see video) and
Dr Karen Kiang Honorary
, Paediatrics Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne:
Beetaloo must be the line in the sand for Australia

Bryony Edwards: What role the Climate Rescue Accord can play
Freja Leonard: What role the No More Gas campaign and Friends of the Earth can play
Rob Eisenberg: What role Vote Earth Now can play
Rob Bakes: What role Vote Climate One can play
Miriam Robinson: What role civil disobedience and XR can play
Robert Patterson: What role can play
Mik Aidt: What role independent media can play

Bryony Edwards and Tony Gleeson are facilitating the event.

Many of the above speakers can be heard on The Sustainable Hour.

In a workshop section titled “Calls to Action”, climate activists and community organisers who have presented a video or an idea for the future will have the floor.

Also there have been 25 questions prepared for all politicians. The answers, when returned, will be important leading up to the next election.

The Melbourne Town Hall event is supported and promoted by Doctors for the Environment Australia and the Climate and Health Alliance in their recent newsletters.

The September Letition is asking for real action on the doctor’s plea,“Do no harm, stop Middle Arm”. The United Nations have for years made the desperate cry for “No new fossil fuels”, including statements from the UN Secretary Antonio Guterres such as his statement in early August that “The era of global boiling has arrived”.

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