Blinky visits Coburg to remind Peter Khalil MP of the climate emergency and to phase out all fossil fuels

The giant animatronic puppet, Blinky will visit Labor MP Peter Khalil’s Sydney Road office in, Coburg on Wednesday December 6, 2023 between 2pm to 3pm.

Come along and join Blinky and raise your voice for climate action.

The Federal Labor Government in the 18 months since the election in May 2022 has approved 4 new coal mines as part of 10 new or extended fossil fuel project approvals.

RSVP at: Facebook event: Blinky Visits a Labor MP, Wednesday December 6 2pm-3pm
RSVP at: Move Beyond Coal event: Blinky the burning koala visits Peter Khalil

“We will rally with Blinky to ask Peter Khalil which side he is on. 

Does he support an end to new coal and gas?

Is he prepared to stand up to the fossil fuel lobby and work within Labor for the strongest possible action on the climate emergency?

Or will he take the side of the coal and gas billionaires and watch as forests and koalas burn?

This is a collaborative action supported by a number of groups.

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